Rorschach Art

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Rorschach Art
— Poems by Stephen Gibson
“Each of these marvelous poems engages as instantly as a photograph: you read two or three words and you’re on the scene, recoiling in horror as Trotsky is murdered or twisting uncomfortably as your daughter buys her first bra. There’s no need to ‘develop’ Stephen Gibson’s pictures; they enter your mind so fast that you can’t help feeling that what’s happening on the page has already happened and that, very likely, you were there when it did. He’s a poet for other poets to learn from, for no one else writing today uses language as economically or to more immediate effect.”
―David Kirby
"A poignant rorschach of perception. This is a collection of masterful scope and depth." -- Katherine Soniat, author of Alluvial (Bucknell Un. Press)
"Each of these marvelous poems engages as instantly as a photograph... they enter your can't help feeling." -- David Kirby
"Mussolini, Rasputin, Manet, together in a complex mediation on...remembering what it is to be human... Beautiful, sublime." -- Barbara Hamby
"Rorschach Art is a work of sometimes devastating power...Here is a poet capable of shaping words into weapons..." -- Edward Falco
...Powerful, three-dimensional complexities, a poignant rorschach of perception. This is a collection of masterful scope and depth. -- Katherine Soniat, author of Alluvial (Bucknell Un. Press)
Gibson never averts his eye from the cruelties and flaws that make the merely beautiful sublime. -- Barbara Hamby
No one else writing today uses language as economically or to more immediate effect. -- David Kirbywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww